Metabolite Clinic

Our New
Metabolite Program

This program is designed to foster accountability, inspire positive behavioral changes, and introduce sustainable health practices.
How Metabolite Clinic Helps

For Obesity-related Issues

Take charge of emotional eating patterns.

End the cycle of restriction, quitting, & overeating.

Let go of harmful diet culture.

Release the guilt and embrace self-love.

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Obesity Medicine Clinic

Metabolite Clinic provides a range of services, starting with a general consultation to assess eligibility for various treatment options. These options may include pharmacotherapy (medications), psychological intervention (behavioral therapy with a psychologist), consultation with a dietitian, or potential referral to a bariatric surgeon.

Our Range Of

Services Includes

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Behavior Intervention i.e. working with a Psychologist

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Behavior Intervention i.e. working with a Psychologist

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Behavior Intervention i.e. working with a Psychologist

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Behavior Intervention i.e. working with a Psychologist

Addressing the underlying causes of overeating is key to achieving sustainable weight loss. The common notion of "eat less, move more" oversimplifies the complexity of this condition, which stems from a combination of genetics, biology, and environment.


Access Clinic

Our Rapid Access Clinic is available every weekday from 9 AM to 5 PM, specifically designed for patients with a referral for obesity-related concerns. All consultations are being held virtually with an average wait time of 7-10 days.

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